How to check a posture?
- By measuring the space between your neck and the wall, and the space between your back and the wall. There should be less than 2 inches between both spaces. A larger gap indicates weak posture and a curving spine.
- By standing with the back of your head against the wall and place your heels six inches from the wall. Your shoulder blades and butt should be touching the wall.
Tips for Better Posture:
Straighten Up
- Stand up tall.
- Pretend you’re standing against a wall to measure your height.
- Hold your head straight and tuck in your chin.
- Your ears should be over the middle of your shoulders.
- Stand with your shoulders back, knees straight, and belly tucked in.
- Don't let your booty or hips stick out.
- Straighten up so you feel like your head stretches toward the sky.
Beware of 'Text Neck'
- Take a minute to stretch your neck.
- When you tilt your head down to check messages it really strains your spine.
- For a better view, lift the phone up and move your eyes, not your head.
Don't Be a Low-Rider
- Pull your seat close to the steering wheel.
- Try not to lock your legs. Bend your knees slightly.
- They should be at hip level or a tad above.
- Don't forget to put a pillow or rolled-up towel behind you for support.
Don't Slump at Your Desk
- Sit all the way back in your chair.
- Place a small, rolled-up towel or lumbar cushion behind your mid-back to protect your spine's natural curve.
- Bend your knees at a right angle and keep them the same height, or a bit higher, then your hips.
- Place your feet flat on the floor.
Save Heels for a Big Night Out
- Pumps and stilettos thrust the base of your spine forward, which over-arches your back.
- That can change the way your backbone lines up and put pressure on nerves, which causes back pain.
- Sky-high shoes also put more weight on your knees. Choose a lower, chunky heel for daily wear.
Exercise and Tone Your Abs
- Too much fat around your belly puts added stress on your back.
- You need strong muscles to support your spine.
- A well-designed workout plan will keep your body and spine in tip-top shape. And that's important.
- Try non-impact exercises like tai chi.
Basic remedy for good posture:
Doorway Stretch
- Standing in a doorway, lift your arm so it's parallel to the floor and bend at the elbow so your fingers point toward the ceiling.
- Place your hand on the doorjamb.
Wall Angel
- Stand with your back against a flat wall with your feet about four inches from the base.
- Maintain a slight bend in your knees.
- Your glutes, spine and head should all be against the wall.
- Bring your arms up with elbows bent so your upper arms are parallel to the floor and squeeze your shoulder blades together, forming a letter "W".
Hip Flexor Stretch
- By placing both hands on your left thigh and press your hips forward until you feel a good stretch in the hip flexors.
- Contract your abdominals and slightly tilt your pelvis back while keeping your chin parallel to the floor (image at left). Hold this pose for 20-30 seconds, and then switch sides.
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